Richard (Dick) Badger
phone: 206-842-5296
I have always felt the most at peace when out in the natural world. I find comfort and solace being surrounded by sights and sounds more permanent and less subject to whim than that which can be found in civilization. No one has put this sentiment into words better than John Muir:
“In God's wildness lies the hope of the world - the great fresh unblighted, unredeemed wilderness. The galling harness of civilization drops off and wounds heal ere we are aware.”
- John of the Mountains: The Unpublished Journals of John Muir, (1938), page 317.
I began my life as a photographer primarily photographing wildlife, a natural extension of my career as a veterinarian and of my passion for animals. Over time, I expanded into landscape as well as the smaller, more intimate features of Mother Nature. I do occasionally point my camera around in the world of man, when inspired by the beauty of man’s creations or especially, when presented by the poignant interaction between humans.
In all of my photography I wish to capture the emotion and the “soul” of my subject. If I can’t experience that personally, I usually choose not to fire the shutter.
My photography has appeared in calendars, books and magazines both domestic and international. I am perhaps the most proud of donations of my images to a variety of organizations dedicated to the preservation of wildlife and the environment.
I live on Bainbridge Island with my wife Bridget. In our retirement we travel as much as practical, camera in hand.

Mount Shuksan, Washington

Grey Wolf

Snow Leopard

Northern Lights, Yellowknife, NW Territories, Canada

Booted Racket-tail Hummingbird, Ecuador