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Oil Paintings
website: www.robinweissfineart.com
email: robinweiss@earthlink.net
phone: 360-779-3940
Robin Weiss Fine Art
23771 Bond Rd. Poulsbo, WA 98370
I had a love for art throughout my childhood but began to mature creatively under the mentor-ship of high school art teacher Lou Penfield . Painting has since been a lifelong passion . Currently oil is my medium of choice. I love the buttery feel and the intense color of oil paint. It especially holds up well when painting outside in nature, my favorite place to be with easel and brush. I am often stopped in my tracks when the light at certain times of day hits an object or landscape and makes it come alive with color. I'm inspired by all of creation in all it's many forms but it's all about the light.
Oil Paintings
website: www.robinweissfineart.com
email: robinweiss@earthlink.net
phone: 360-779-3940
Robin Weiss Fine Art
23771 Bond Rd. Poulsbo, WA 98370
I had a love for art throughout my childhood but began to mature creatively under the mentor-ship of high school art teacher Lou Penfield . Painting has since been a lifelong passion . Currently oil is my medium of choice. I love the buttery feel and the intense color of oil paint. It especially holds up well when painting outside in nature, my favorite place to be with easel and brush. I am often stopped in my tracks when the light at certain times of day hits an object or landscape and makes it come alive with color. I'm inspired by all of creation in all it's many forms but it's all about the light.
Big Beef Estuary
The Ferry to Varenna
Northwest Barn
Old Goat
Seabeck View
Salt Marsh
Rhodies on Red